Sunday 16 September 2012

Madolche Card Summary

So that's all the TCG Madolche cards done. The deck right now is a tier 2 deck in my opinion. Played right it can do well, but it's lacking a few potential cards to make it a tier 1 deck.

Right now, focus on Puddingcess builds. As its their current boss monster and she is powerful, but maybe a little slow this format.

But be patience. With Abyss Rising we will get the cards to make Madolche complete. Once we have those cards, Madolche will be tier 1 in my eyes.

The theme, the artwork and tactics for this deck are great. This is a fun, competitive deck and I look forward to how well they do.

In my next few posts I will talk about some tech cards for Madolche, but till then:

This is Spectral Joker signing off, peace.

(Here is some fan art of the whole Madolche order. Notice the additional monsters not covered yet. ;) )

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