Saturday 15 September 2012

Madolche Card Review - Tea Break

Next up is the counter trap of the theme, so put your feet up and take a load off whilst I explain to you the Madolche Tea Break!

Trap - Counter
When a Spell/Trap card is activated, if you have no monsters in your Graveyard: Negate the activation, and if you do, return it to the hand, then, if you control a face-up "Madolche Puddingcess", you can destroy 1 card your opponent controls.

This card is okay at best. If it just negated and didn't bounce the card I would suggest playing 1-2.

This card does have some uses, let's talk about cards you want to negate with this card.
For spells you want to negate spells with a cost, namely ones with certain named costs ( For example; Solar Recharge ) because your opponent may not have another named cost to use with that spell, by doing this you do not lose card advantage. Other spell cards you want to negate are quick-play spells used during your turn by your opponent. This way your opponent cannot use them as he will need to reset them again.

Same goes for trap cards. By negating traps that have a cost your opponent will have to to pay the cost again. Some examples of traps you want to negate are: solemn judgment, solemn warning and seven tools of the bandit.

You can also negate cards that will allow you to go for game. Such as Torrential Tribute and Mirror Force.

Negating any trap that will cause your opponent to reset the trap and use it on your next turn.

This card only becomes a 141 trade if you control a Maldolche Puddingcess.

You can also use this card on your own spells or traps to use this added effect.

The negative points of this card is that you have to have no monsters in your graveyard to use this card. This means you cannot play Synchros, XYZ or hand traps monsters with this card too easily.

Non-Puddingcess Builds 0
Puddingcess Builds 0-1

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