Sunday 30 September 2012

[Deck List] Madolche (OCG)

I did promise a week ago that I would do a deck list for the Madolches and explain my tech choices, the numbers I play and how the deck will work. I will be posting an OCG deck list, because I feel that Madolche are only competitive after Abyss Rising comes out in a few months time.

So lets get down to the deck list, welcome to the Deck that will give your opponent his just deserts!!
(( Yes I did make that joke... ))

Deck List
[16] Monsters
[1] Madolche Butlerusk
[2] Madolche Cruffsant 
[3] Madolche Magileine
[2] Madolche Marmamaid
[3] Madolche Messengelato
[3] Madolche Mewfeuille
[2] Effect Veiler

[12] Spells
[1] Book of Moon
[1] Dark Hole
[2] Pot of Duality
[3] Madolche Chateau
[2] Madolche Ticket
[3] Mystical Space Typhoon

[12] Traps
[2] Compulsory Evacuation Device
[2] Madolche Happy Festa
[1] Madolche Lesson
[1] Solemn Judgment
[2] Solemn Warning
[2] Torrential Tribute
[1] Ultimate Offering
[1] Starlight Road

[15] Extra Deck
[1] Stardust Dragon
[1] Number 30: acid Golem of Destruction
[1] Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
[1] Wind-Up Zenmaines
[1] Fairy King Albverdich
[1] Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
[1] Gagaga Gunman
[1] Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
[1] Number 50: Black Corn
[1] Number 16: Shock Master
[1] Number 39: Utopia
[1] Number C39: Utopia Ray
[1] Steelswarm Roach
[2] Madolche Tiaramisu


Thats the deck list for you, now lets talk about some of the choices I have picked.

Madolche Butlerusk at one is more than enough, you have pot of dualitys in the deck to help search for the field spell and you have Marmamaid to recycle the field in case it dies. Hes still a good beat and the plus he brings is a fun extra.
Madolche Cruffsant is great, his effect is simple but amazing. He becomes 2300 under the field and one use of his effect, remember he can bounce the field spell for his effect allowing you to reuse an active Chateau first effect. He combos with Mewfeuille well, as he can send Mewfeuille back to protect your life points, also he makes rank 3 and 4s easier.
Madolche Magileine is the searcher of the deck and has to be at 3. She gives advantage each turn and with the field spell up can just come back and back. Her + Ultimate Offering allows OTK plays, much like Gadgets do.
Madolche Marmamaid 2500 Def wall? Even laggia or Machine Fortress can't get over this, plus it gives a spell or trap Madolche card back to you. Recycle a field, a ticket or even a happy festa for a OTK push. She is good at 2 and should be main in all Madolche decks.
Madolche Messengelato he does what Butlerusk does and he has 100 more ATK, so we run three to get our Field card and Ticket for advantage. Messengelato needs Mewfeuille or Festa for his effect, but we have Magileine for searching so don't worry, his effect isn't awkward at all.
Madolche Mewfeuille for swarming power, leads to Rank 3 plays, Messengelato Searching and combos with Cruffsant. He is good and you can tech one Puddingcess, minus 1 Veiler, as we are playing three.
Effect Veiler hurts most decks and is always nice to have in a deck.

Book of Moon defensive or offensive card, does a load of things. Stops attacks, get over a big monster by hitting it's defensive, stop a synchro or a XYZ play. The other thing it does here is reset Marmamid if you need a spell or trap back.
Dark Hole is Dark Hole, it clears the board and allows you to push. Remember, your Madolche won't get their effect's if you Dark Hole them. Only Opponent card's make them bounce.
Pot of Duality for search power, to get the Field Spell or to get our Madolche pieces into play. Always a good card.
Madolche Chateau there field spell, needed at 3. No excuses.
Madolche Ticket only playing two, because you can only trigger one of them per turn due to the wording of the card. So drawing multi-copies is dead and you can search / recycle them easily. Combos wells with Queen and Cruffsant.
Mystical Space Typhoon running triple as we don't play Heavy Storm, I don't main it due to needing the Field Spell constantly. You may play the Heavy as you do have enough recycle, I just dislike it.

Compulsory Evacuation Device chainable trap, hurts xyz's and synchros. Can be used on your Madolches to save them from something. Dimension Prison or BLS?
Madolche Happy Festa this card leads to OTKs, Madolche love to keep hands full of monsters. Basically spam to the field with this card and make XYZ plays to save the Madolches from disappearing. Recycle it when needed with Marmamaid or search with Messengelato.
Madolche Lesson to recycle Madolches used for XYZ's and as an added plus you can send back an Effect Veiler to the deck to use later on again.
Solemn Judgment and Solemn Warning makes the solemn brigade. No explanations needed.
Torrential Tribute anti-swarm and helps clears the board for OTK pushes, remember as it's your card you will not be able to bounce back your Madolches.
Ultimate Offering allows for OTK with Magileine searching for multiple copies of it self whilst sending copies back to the deck with the Chateau.
Starlight Road for protection as with the format there is currently two Mirror Forces, two Torrential Tributes,  Dark Hole, Heavy Storm.

That is about it for my choices on what I played and why. The extra deck is simple, just most staples and standard Rank 3 and 4s as well. Stardust is there for Starlight Road. Madolche Tiaramisu is the star of the Extra Deck. She triggers Ticket and clears the field for your pushes.

Side Deck Choices:
[2] Gozen Match - Good side against Wind-Ups, Six Sams and Dino.Rabbit. As all the Madolches are Earth, so you don't have to worry.
[2] Shadow Imprisoning Mirror - Good against Dark Worlds and Inzektors.
[2] Royal Decree - Good against Chain Burn, Count Down and Heros. The deck is trap heavy, but all your monsters are beefy. With Decree you can turn the game into a struggle match.
[1] The Transmigration Prophecy - Good against Wind-Ups, Dark Worlds, Heros and Inzektors. Especially good against Heros as you can remove their Miracle Fusion targets from grave so they have to fuse using their field and it helps with Madolches as well.
[1] System Down - Good side for Machines once more, I find Machine Fortress is a tough wall for this deck and extra removal works great for Madolches.
[2] Gemini Imps - Good side for Dark Worlds, stop their draw cards and they stop. I would suggest these in most decks this format.
[2] Maxx "C" - Good counter against Wind-Ups, drawing into extra outs and puts them on pause. Good against Six Sams (( Knowing when they will drop Grandmaster and Kizan )) too and Rabbit it can get +1 off when they use Rabbit as they will need to use the Dinos they fetch otherwise they will just lose cards.
[2] Cyber Dragons - Good for Stun Matches and Machina / Gadget Match-Ups.
[1] D.D. Crows - Good against Wind-Ups, Dark Worlds, Heros and Inzektors.

And this is my take on the deck, so feel free to try out the deck and let me know what you guys think of the deck. I hope I have explained the deck well enough for you guys to be able to just pick up the deck and play it. Any questions about the deck just leave a comment and I'll get back to you. :)

Till next time, Spectral Joker signing off!


  1. Wouldn't effect veiler contradict with the no monsters in grave eff of the deck

    1. Having no monsters in the graveyard is only needed for Madolche Puddingcess and Madolche Tea Break. All the other Madolche cards work fine with monsters in the graveyard.
