Saturday 29 September 2012

How to YuGioH: 1# Naturia Grandsoil Combo

To go with my reviews of Archtypes, Broken and Unrated cards, I will be doing short guides on how to combo with certain decks or any combo that could be played.

To start with is a combo I jokingly thought up and is comical if it happens.

Easy second turn Grandsoil plus protection:

You need:
- 1 Set Naturia Cherries
- 1 Level 4 Earth Monster in hand
- 1 Grandsoil in hand

A second requirement is that you need the cherries to be destroyed and keep the other two alive till your turn. Plus 0 earths in grave before the first cherries dies. So you must have two cherries on the field when starting.

During your turn:
- Summon the level 4 EARTH monster from your hand.
- Flip a cherries and synchro to Natuia Beast.
- Flip a second cherries. Synchro Beast and Cherries for Naturia Barkion.
- [if no Earths in grave before cherries died] Special summon Grandsoil and get Beast back.

End field Beast, Grandsoil and Barkion.

It's a silly combo and not practical, but I found it fun to do in fun matchs.

So you get an idea of what I will do with each combo. In future I will talk about weakness and ways I help the combo happen, but till next time.

SpectralJoker signing off!

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