Sunday 30 September 2012

[Deck List] Madolche (OCG)

I did promise a week ago that I would do a deck list for the Madolches and explain my tech choices, the numbers I play and how the deck will work. I will be posting an OCG deck list, because I feel that Madolche are only competitive after Abyss Rising comes out in a few months time.

So lets get down to the deck list, welcome to the Deck that will give your opponent his just deserts!!
(( Yes I did make that joke... ))

Deck List
[16] Monsters
[1] Madolche Butlerusk
[2] Madolche Cruffsant 
[3] Madolche Magileine
[2] Madolche Marmamaid
[3] Madolche Messengelato
[3] Madolche Mewfeuille
[2] Effect Veiler

[12] Spells
[1] Book of Moon
[1] Dark Hole
[2] Pot of Duality
[3] Madolche Chateau
[2] Madolche Ticket
[3] Mystical Space Typhoon

[12] Traps
[2] Compulsory Evacuation Device
[2] Madolche Happy Festa
[1] Madolche Lesson
[1] Solemn Judgment
[2] Solemn Warning
[2] Torrential Tribute
[1] Ultimate Offering
[1] Starlight Road

[15] Extra Deck
[1] Stardust Dragon
[1] Number 30: acid Golem of Destruction
[1] Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
[1] Wind-Up Zenmaines
[1] Fairy King Albverdich
[1] Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
[1] Gagaga Gunman
[1] Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
[1] Number 50: Black Corn
[1] Number 16: Shock Master
[1] Number 39: Utopia
[1] Number C39: Utopia Ray
[1] Steelswarm Roach
[2] Madolche Tiaramisu


Thats the deck list for you, now lets talk about some of the choices I have picked.

Madolche Butlerusk at one is more than enough, you have pot of dualitys in the deck to help search for the field spell and you have Marmamaid to recycle the field in case it dies. Hes still a good beat and the plus he brings is a fun extra.
Madolche Cruffsant is great, his effect is simple but amazing. He becomes 2300 under the field and one use of his effect, remember he can bounce the field spell for his effect allowing you to reuse an active Chateau first effect. He combos with Mewfeuille well, as he can send Mewfeuille back to protect your life points, also he makes rank 3 and 4s easier.
Madolche Magileine is the searcher of the deck and has to be at 3. She gives advantage each turn and with the field spell up can just come back and back. Her + Ultimate Offering allows OTK plays, much like Gadgets do.
Madolche Marmamaid 2500 Def wall? Even laggia or Machine Fortress can't get over this, plus it gives a spell or trap Madolche card back to you. Recycle a field, a ticket or even a happy festa for a OTK push. She is good at 2 and should be main in all Madolche decks.
Madolche Messengelato he does what Butlerusk does and he has 100 more ATK, so we run three to get our Field card and Ticket for advantage. Messengelato needs Mewfeuille or Festa for his effect, but we have Magileine for searching so don't worry, his effect isn't awkward at all.
Madolche Mewfeuille for swarming power, leads to Rank 3 plays, Messengelato Searching and combos with Cruffsant. He is good and you can tech one Puddingcess, minus 1 Veiler, as we are playing three.
Effect Veiler hurts most decks and is always nice to have in a deck.

Book of Moon defensive or offensive card, does a load of things. Stops attacks, get over a big monster by hitting it's defensive, stop a synchro or a XYZ play. The other thing it does here is reset Marmamid if you need a spell or trap back.
Dark Hole is Dark Hole, it clears the board and allows you to push. Remember, your Madolche won't get their effect's if you Dark Hole them. Only Opponent card's make them bounce.
Pot of Duality for search power, to get the Field Spell or to get our Madolche pieces into play. Always a good card.
Madolche Chateau there field spell, needed at 3. No excuses.
Madolche Ticket only playing two, because you can only trigger one of them per turn due to the wording of the card. So drawing multi-copies is dead and you can search / recycle them easily. Combos wells with Queen and Cruffsant.
Mystical Space Typhoon running triple as we don't play Heavy Storm, I don't main it due to needing the Field Spell constantly. You may play the Heavy as you do have enough recycle, I just dislike it.

Compulsory Evacuation Device chainable trap, hurts xyz's and synchros. Can be used on your Madolches to save them from something. Dimension Prison or BLS?
Madolche Happy Festa this card leads to OTKs, Madolche love to keep hands full of monsters. Basically spam to the field with this card and make XYZ plays to save the Madolches from disappearing. Recycle it when needed with Marmamaid or search with Messengelato.
Madolche Lesson to recycle Madolches used for XYZ's and as an added plus you can send back an Effect Veiler to the deck to use later on again.
Solemn Judgment and Solemn Warning makes the solemn brigade. No explanations needed.
Torrential Tribute anti-swarm and helps clears the board for OTK pushes, remember as it's your card you will not be able to bounce back your Madolches.
Ultimate Offering allows for OTK with Magileine searching for multiple copies of it self whilst sending copies back to the deck with the Chateau.
Starlight Road for protection as with the format there is currently two Mirror Forces, two Torrential Tributes,  Dark Hole, Heavy Storm.

That is about it for my choices on what I played and why. The extra deck is simple, just most staples and standard Rank 3 and 4s as well. Stardust is there for Starlight Road. Madolche Tiaramisu is the star of the Extra Deck. She triggers Ticket and clears the field for your pushes.

Side Deck Choices:
[2] Gozen Match - Good side against Wind-Ups, Six Sams and Dino.Rabbit. As all the Madolches are Earth, so you don't have to worry.
[2] Shadow Imprisoning Mirror - Good against Dark Worlds and Inzektors.
[2] Royal Decree - Good against Chain Burn, Count Down and Heros. The deck is trap heavy, but all your monsters are beefy. With Decree you can turn the game into a struggle match.
[1] The Transmigration Prophecy - Good against Wind-Ups, Dark Worlds, Heros and Inzektors. Especially good against Heros as you can remove their Miracle Fusion targets from grave so they have to fuse using their field and it helps with Madolches as well.
[1] System Down - Good side for Machines once more, I find Machine Fortress is a tough wall for this deck and extra removal works great for Madolches.
[2] Gemini Imps - Good side for Dark Worlds, stop their draw cards and they stop. I would suggest these in most decks this format.
[2] Maxx "C" - Good counter against Wind-Ups, drawing into extra outs and puts them on pause. Good against Six Sams (( Knowing when they will drop Grandmaster and Kizan )) too and Rabbit it can get +1 off when they use Rabbit as they will need to use the Dinos they fetch otherwise they will just lose cards.
[2] Cyber Dragons - Good for Stun Matches and Machina / Gadget Match-Ups.
[1] D.D. Crows - Good against Wind-Ups, Dark Worlds, Heros and Inzektors.

And this is my take on the deck, so feel free to try out the deck and let me know what you guys think of the deck. I hope I have explained the deck well enough for you guys to be able to just pick up the deck and play it. Any questions about the deck just leave a comment and I'll get back to you. :)

Till next time, Spectral Joker signing off!

Saturday 29 September 2012

How to YuGioH: 1# Naturia Grandsoil Combo

To go with my reviews of Archtypes, Broken and Unrated cards, I will be doing short guides on how to combo with certain decks or any combo that could be played.

To start with is a combo I jokingly thought up and is comical if it happens.

Easy second turn Grandsoil plus protection:

You need:
- 1 Set Naturia Cherries
- 1 Level 4 Earth Monster in hand
- 1 Grandsoil in hand

A second requirement is that you need the cherries to be destroyed and keep the other two alive till your turn. Plus 0 earths in grave before the first cherries dies. So you must have two cherries on the field when starting.

During your turn:
- Summon the level 4 EARTH monster from your hand.
- Flip a cherries and synchro to Natuia Beast.
- Flip a second cherries. Synchro Beast and Cherries for Naturia Barkion.
- [if no Earths in grave before cherries died] Special summon Grandsoil and get Beast back.

End field Beast, Grandsoil and Barkion.

It's a silly combo and not practical, but I found it fun to do in fun matchs.

So you get an idea of what I will do with each combo. In future I will talk about weakness and ways I help the combo happen, but till next time.

SpectralJoker signing off!

Friday 28 September 2012

Broken Cards of Yugioh - 1# W Nebula Meteorite

In counter part to the underrated cards of Yugioh section I run on here I will also run a broken card section.

In this section I will talk about broken cards in the game. I won't just be like: IT'S BROKEN. I will try to explain why it is.

First card we are going to look at is a trap card for the Wurm Archtype. Lets start the invasion of the W Nebula Meteorite!

W Nebula Meteorite
Trap Card
Change all face-down monsters on the field to face-up Defense Position. During the End Phase this turn, change all face-up LIGHT Reptile-Type monsters you control to face-down Defense Position, then draw 1 card for each. After that, you can Special Summon 1 Level 7 or higher LIGHT Reptile-Type monster from your Deck.

(Any cards mention when talking in this article will be posted at the end for effects)

So yeah. This card is broken! I'm kidding with you, I said I would explain why these cards are.

So why is this card broken?
• It can be a defensive or offensive Combo card
• It can give you huge pluses
• It brings a big boss to the field

Lets talk about the flipping up part of the effect. This card can trigger a worm monster the turn it was set. (In case you didn't know a lot of the worm revile around being flipped for their effects)

Cards such as Worm Yagen and Worm Apocalypse are both cards that give easy +1s. Now if you had these two set you can flip them with this card to trigger them, or you can even flip them during your opponents turn with this card to cause disruption to their plays!

So this card speeds up your plays and disrupts your opponents. Lets look at the next part.

Flipping face up down only affects your worm monsters, meaning after your worms strike they can get ready again. So if you use this card during your opponents you can gain the pluses from your worms and have them reset for your next turn! Making your monsters become +2s! Now for every monster affect by this effect you get to draw.

Now if we say your opponent has 1 Synchro and 1 Xyz with two backrow and you have this trap with Yagan and Apocalypse. Using this card during their end phase will net you 2 draws and 2 removal then if you flip your dudes again during your turn you have gained +5 for the cost of one card.

Now the last effect:
This trap card replaces itself by bringing out a Worm boss monster, namely either their King or Queen. Both of which are game changers and from a card with no cost, they are amazingly easy to summon.

So hopefully you can see why I think this card is broken and what it does for worms. After this card came out worms started topped various places. Just another reason that proves why this card is too good!

Well that's all for this instalment I hope you enjoyed it and saw it insightful.

Till next time, this is Spectral Joker signing off.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Underrated cards of Yugioh - 1# Naturia Bamboo Shoot

Welcome to a next segment of my blog; where I talk about cards that I feel are unrated in YuGiOh and what they bring to the game.

The first card I want to talk about is Natruia Bamboo Shoot.

Naturia Bamboo Shoot
EARTH - Plant - ***** - ATK 2000 / DEF 2000
If this card is Tribute Summoned by Tributing a "Naturia" monster, while this card remains face-up on the field, your opponent cannot activate Spell or Trap Cards

First up is Bamboo Shoot's stats. It stands at 2000 on each stat which is a bit weak for a one tribute monster .

You only get its effect when you tribute summon it and you have to tribute a Naturia Monster. So playing card means you need to runs some sort of Naturia engine in the deck. I suggest Naturia Cliff and Naturia Cherries, which replace themselves and survive normally the one turn you need for the tribute summon.

Now lets talk about his effect: your opponent cannot activate spell or trap cards. That's right they cannot play anything of them, no Counters unless its to the summon of Bamboo.

If you can push them into a corner before dropping this then you make any lucky top decks of their pointless.

No Monster Reborn, Heavy Storm, Dark Hole, Mirror Force or Torrential Tribute.

Also Bamboos stops the common back row hate from being played. Mst, Heavy or Decree. So your backrow is rather protected.

Sadly effect monsters and higher ATK monster hurt this card, such as Effect veiler make this card dead. So a good suggestion to run with this card is Safe Zone. That way Bamboo is protected to the up most from nearly everything.

Earlier game this card causes problem for Six Sams, Chain Burn and Final Countdown. Chaos Dragons is a problem deck due to the high mini boss monster count it runs and Gearia are tough as well, but supported correctly this card can still be a problem to almost anyone.

I hope you enjoyed this segment of my blog, I hope to do more of them.

Till then, this is Spectral Joker signing off.

Sunday 16 September 2012

Madolche Card Summary

So that's all the TCG Madolche cards done. The deck right now is a tier 2 deck in my opinion. Played right it can do well, but it's lacking a few potential cards to make it a tier 1 deck.

Right now, focus on Puddingcess builds. As its their current boss monster and she is powerful, but maybe a little slow this format.

But be patience. With Abyss Rising we will get the cards to make Madolche complete. Once we have those cards, Madolche will be tier 1 in my eyes.

The theme, the artwork and tactics for this deck are great. This is a fun, competitive deck and I look forward to how well they do.

In my next few posts I will talk about some tech cards for Madolche, but till then:

This is Spectral Joker signing off, peace.

(Here is some fan art of the whole Madolche order. Notice the additional monsters not covered yet. ;) )

Saturday 15 September 2012

Madolche Card Review - Manners

Time to look at the last card for this Archtype currently in the TCG. Its time to take some time out and have a Madolche Lesson!

Trap Card
Target 1 "Madolche" monster in your Graveyard; Shuffle that target into your Deck, and if you do, all "Madolche" monsters you currently control gain 800 ATK and DEF, then you can shuffle 1 other monster from your Graveyard into the Deck.

Now this trap card of theirs actually has some use, but its full potential may have yet to be reached till the next set.

Unlike some of the pervious cards, this card actually wants Madolche in the graveyard. It also rewards you for having extra monsters in the graveyard too.

The ATK and DEF boost from this card is also permeant. So you can make Puddingcess 3100 ( Her effect and Chateau) while clearing out your graveyard of monsters too!

The last part of effect clears out any monster. So you can put XYZs and Synchros back to your extra deck or powerful monsters such as Gorz or Effect Veiler back to the deck!

So as you may of worked out, thanks to this card non-Madolche cards are variable in Puddingcess builds.

I would run 2 in most builds.

Madolche Card Review - Tea Break

Next up is the counter trap of the theme, so put your feet up and take a load off whilst I explain to you the Madolche Tea Break!

Trap - Counter
When a Spell/Trap card is activated, if you have no monsters in your Graveyard: Negate the activation, and if you do, return it to the hand, then, if you control a face-up "Madolche Puddingcess", you can destroy 1 card your opponent controls.

This card is okay at best. If it just negated and didn't bounce the card I would suggest playing 1-2.

This card does have some uses, let's talk about cards you want to negate with this card.
For spells you want to negate spells with a cost, namely ones with certain named costs ( For example; Solar Recharge ) because your opponent may not have another named cost to use with that spell, by doing this you do not lose card advantage. Other spell cards you want to negate are quick-play spells used during your turn by your opponent. This way your opponent cannot use them as he will need to reset them again.

Same goes for trap cards. By negating traps that have a cost your opponent will have to to pay the cost again. Some examples of traps you want to negate are: solemn judgment, solemn warning and seven tools of the bandit.

You can also negate cards that will allow you to go for game. Such as Torrential Tribute and Mirror Force.

Negating any trap that will cause your opponent to reset the trap and use it on your next turn.

This card only becomes a 141 trade if you control a Maldolche Puddingcess.

You can also use this card on your own spells or traps to use this added effect.

The negative points of this card is that you have to have no monsters in your graveyard to use this card. This means you cannot play Synchros, XYZ or hand traps monsters with this card too easily.

Non-Puddingcess Builds 0
Puddingcess Builds 0-1

Friday 14 September 2012

Madolche Card Review - Waltz

It's time to look at some of the trap support we have for the Madolche.

So let's step right into it with the Madolche Waltz!

Trap Card - Continuous
Each time a "Madolche" monster you control attacks or is attacked, after damage calculation: Inflict 300 damage to your opponent.

Only a few things can be said about this card.

Main one being the card doesn't help the Archtype really. 300 burn for each battle including a Madolche isn't much.
It can add up to a lot, but it doesnt gain you anything and is dead without your monsters.

The other point is that it can be used for a otk.

The OTK is as followed:

Two Chouxvalier, one on the Field and one in hand.
Chateau active on the Field.
Waltz active on the Field.
Desperate Tag active on the Field.

Your opponent with a Monster that had 2201 ATK or more.

Desperate Tag is as followed:

Trap - Continuous
If a face-up Attack Position monster you control is destroyed by battle, during damage calculation, you can reduce the Battle Damage from this battle to 0 and Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Warrior-Type monster from your hand at the end of the Damage Step.

You basically slam your Chouxvalier into the monster and with tag you take no damage, then special summon the second Chouxvalier out from your hand.

Now because you battled, Waltz triggers and deals 300 damage. Also Chateau will trigger and return Chouxvalier back to your hand instead of your deck.

As Tag doesn't have a once per turn limit on it, you can do above over and over till you have burnt their life points away.

The combo is far fetched but has been done many times. So it's worth noting.

If your going to make your deck based on this combo play 2-3, otherwise play 0.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Madolche Card Review - Baaple

This is the last of the current TCG Beast-Type Madolche monsters in the Archtype.

The Flock of Plushies with Cotton Candy as fur: Baaple!

Madolche Baaple
EARTH - Beast - *** - ATK 0 / DEF 1800
When this card you control is destroyed by your opponent's card (either by battle or by card effect) and sent to your Graveyard: Shuffle this card into your Deck. Once per turn: You can target 1 face-up Attack Position "Madolche" monster you control and 1 face-up Attack Position monster your opponent controls; if both monsters are still on the field, change them to face-up Defense Position, and if you do, the ones changed by this effect cannot have their battle positions changed until the end of your opponent's next turn.

Due to this cards stats and effect he is a stall / wall card for the Madolche. With Chateau up he's a 2300 DEF wall.

His effect can let your weaker Madolche get over high ATK, low DEF boss monsters. Or stall their high attack monsters for a turn whilst you build up a plan.

Remember Baaple can target himself, so just normal summon him and put him into defence, ready to wall your opponent.

He combos well with Mewfeuille. Allowing for rank *** plays if you summon Baaple via Mewfeuille. Plus the use of Baaples effect, you can make sure your XYZ will be able to hit whatever monster you want.

I personality think this card is great! Being a *** gives easier XYZ and battle position changing is a string tactical play.

I would run 2 of him!

Madolche Card Review - Chouxvalier

Time to look at the Captain of the Chateau Cake Guard: The Knight of Sweets and Cake: Chouxvalier!

Madolche Chouxvalier
EARTH - Warrior - **** - ATK 1700 / DEF 1300
When this card you control is destroyed by your opponent's card (either by battle or by card effect) and sent to your Graveyard: Shuffle this card into your Deck. Your opponent cannot target face-up "Madolche" monsters you control for attacks, except "Madolche Chouxvalier".

Honestly, there's nothing too special about this guy.
He is the biggest beater the theme has to offer. Standing at 2200 ATK for a normal summon under Chateau. That recycles on defeat, his effect isn't as great as his beating stats.

You can search him with RotA. Which is a nice.

He can protect Mewfuillel after you use it's effect to special summon this card, due his effect. Giving your weak Madolche some protection. Sadly due to wording Chouxvalier, he can not create an attack lock with two of them on the field.

I would run 1-2, he doesn't add much other that a big beat stick.

Madolche Card Review - Mewfeuille

The next card is the first of the Madolche Beast-Type Monsters.

Like most recent Archtype, this is Madolche's own Marauding Captain.

So the Cat Plushie with the Purrrfect plan on getting out Puddingcess: Mewfeuille!

Madolche Mewfeuille - EARTH - Beast- *** - ATK 500 / DEF

When this card you control is destroyed by your opponent's card (either by battle or by card effect) and sent to your Graveyard: Shuffle this card into your Deck. When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 "Madolche" monster from your hand.

With the field spell out this little guy is... still very little, only standing at 1000 ATK. His effect makes up for this. When you normal summon him, he brings a second Madolche to the party!

Sadly this doesn't trigger Magileine or Butlerusk, but it does allow you to being out Puddingcess without putting a Madolche in the grave for Puddingcess tribute!

Being *** means you will need one of the other *** Beast Madolche in hand for some XYZ plays. You can make Soul of the Silver Moutain easily this way!

Also remember, as he's weak. He will get attacked; if you have your Chateau up then he will go back to your hand ready for next turn to bring someone else out!

This guy also combos well with the other beasts in the set and our next Monster we will review!

Madolche Card Review - Butlerusk!

Next up is our theme field searcher. This deck depends on Chateau a lot, so lets our Butler of Cakes help us build - Butlerusk!

Madolche Butlerusk - EARTH - Spellcaster - **** - ATK 1500 / DEF 800

When this card you control is destroyed by your opponent's card (either by battle or by card effect) and sent to your Graveyard: Shuffle this card into your Deck. When this card is Normal Summoned: You can add 1 Field Spell Card from your Deck to your hand. There must be another face-up "Madolche" monster on the field to activate and to resolve this effect.

So basically like Magileine you normal summon him and search ANY field spell. So not just Chateau, only thing that seems reasonable other than Chateau is Secret Village of the Spellcasters.

Draw back time; guessing because this card could be tech in any deck needing terraforming (As its a terraforming with a body, that recycles) you need a Madolche present on field.
Without the field there it's hard to keep your dolls about, so Butlerusk is tricky to pull off.

Other than his effect, he's a 2000ATK beater that goes back to the hand under Chateau, that pluses when normal summon. He's good, when you have a Chateau already present, but additional copies of the field can't hurt when this deck loves their field spell.

Same as Magileine; ****, rank 4 xyz plays and access to a Barkion play with Striker.

I would run 1-2 (Terraforming with him is okay)

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Madolche Card Review - Chateau

Time to look at the Kingdom of cakes and puddings!

Our first two monsters may of bee weak, but this card really does take the cake!

The delicious Kingdom of Madolche - Chateau!

Field Spell Card

When this card is activated: Shuffle all "Madolche" monsters in your Graveyard into the Deck. All "Madolche" monsters on the field gain 500 ATK and DEF. If a monster(s) in your Graveyard would be returned to the Deck by the effect of a "Madolche" monster, you can add it to your hand instead.

I'll give a second to tune back in, this card did blow my mind a little...

Firstly; it shuffles all Madolche Monsters back to your deck. Madolche aren't meant to die, so this is your fail safe button.

This allows Puddingcess to get her own personal boost in ATK and DEF, use the field spell after tributing a monster!
Plus enables some support cards to be live. Remember non-Madolche monsters aren't affected!

Magileine can search for any of the cards shuffled back. Plus another of their support cards.

Secondly; it makes them all 500 ATK and 500 DEF bigger! So Puddingceas sits on 2300 with her own effect and Magileine on 1900! These monsters are starting to shape up. Most of them become big beaters or big walls under this card, much like Gravekeepers.

Lastly; the best effect ever. This effect turns all their return to deck effects to return to hand instead. Yes back to your hand.

Meaning; any card removal cards are now a -1 for your opponent. Dark Hole, TT, Mirror Force are all -1s now.

Magileine jumps back to the hand for more Searches. Puddingcess pops a card and heads back to the hand, just to come back for more pudding beat down!

Any monster will be around constantly and there's nothing much your opponent can do about it!

This effect will be noted to all future cards in these reviews. As it really important for them!

I would run 3.

Madolche Card Review - Magileine

Next up is Puddingcess' Rival the wicked witch of the deserts; Magileine!

Madolche Magileine - EARTH - Spellcaster - **** - ATK 1400 / DEF 1200

When this card you control is destroyed by your opponent's card (either by battle or by effect) and sent to your Graveyard: Shuffle this card into your Deck. When this card is Normal or Flip Summoned: You can add 1 "Madolche" monster from your Deck to your hand.

The next card of the Archtype is the Stratos of deck.

When summoned; excluding Special Summon, you can add any Madolche monster to hand. Including herself! So getting Puddingcess is a breeze and setting up is easy.

Her stats are a bit low, but with a majority of the beaters of the deck being **** too, you can make a xyz play easy or add a TG Striker to the mix for a Barkion that gave you a +1.

I would run 3.

With their next card I'll review this cards true power.

Madolche Card Review - Puddingcess

First bunch of posts I am going to do is a Archtype review from the latest set.

Now let's get to it: The Dolls of Pudding and Puns! Madolche!

Before we review our first card; let's talk about the effect all Madolche's have:

When this card you control is destroyed by your opponent's card (either by battle or by card effect) and sent to your Graveyard: Shuffle this card into your Deck.

All their monsters have this effect; this effect is rather important as it combos with their support cards.

Some support of theirs needs no monsters in your graveyard to use, whilst other shuffle back Madolche Monsters from your graveyard to deck.
So don't worry they have good graveyard management.

Only way your getting monsters in your graveyard is by: XYZ, Synchro, Tributing, Milling or Sending / costs. Some say avoid the above; but like I mention they shuffle stuff out of their graveyard easily.

First up we have the Princess of Pudding aka the Madolche's Boss Monster.

Madolche Puddingcess
EARTH - Fairy - ***** - ATK 1000 / DEF 1000
When this card you control is destroyed by your opponent's card (either by battle or by card effect) and sent to your Graveyard: Shuffle this card into your Deck. While you have no monsters in your Graveyard, this card gains 800 ATK and DEF. After damage calculation, when this card battles an opponent's monster: You can target 1 card your opponent controls; destroy that target.

Boss Monster? Yes Boss Monster. Okay 1000 on both stats many not be Boss Monster materials, but she is very powerful. Firstly she gains 800 ATK and DEF when you have no monsters in grave, Madolche shuffle back to the deck effect works well here, making her 1800 on each.

Now when she battles, by being attack or by attacking; she can destroy 1 card on the field regardless if she survived the battle or not. So if she gets ran over by something bigger; you can pop it. She triggers the same time as flip effects do.

A few of the Madolche support cards either need a Puddingcess on the field or a fairy type Madolche to be there. Well Puddingcess is a fairy.

She is ***** meaning you can play some rank 5s in your extra deck. One draw back is that she is one tribute and tributing for her puts a monster in your graveyard.
A large counterproductive point about her right there... But don't worry, we can get around that.

I would run 2-3 in a deck. She is really good.

I'll start my turn by using this!

Welcome everyone to my Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG blog. I am Spectral Joker, I have played this game for almost 6 years. I started around the time of Yata-Control and have played up to the present date.

My main interest in Yu-Gi-Oh is judging. I have staffed a few YCSs across Europe, Uk Nationals and even Worlds 2011.

I have made this blog to post my ideas and opinions on the game, hopefully to give my readers ideas on their decks or just to entertain people with my odd ideas.

Feel free to message me at: to give feedback or suggestions what you want to see me cover in my posts.

Till then SJ signing off.