Before we cover the Queen of all cakes and sweets, we will be looking at the party Madolches hold within the royal household and the invite spell sent out for this fiesta.
It's time to raise your glasses of punch for a toast. I welcome you all to the Madolchepalooza!
Trap Card
Special Summon any number of "Madolche" monsters from your hand, but shuffle them into the Deck during the End Phase.
This effect is pretty simple and sweet. All pun intended of course.
Normally with Madolches you will have a large hand of Monsters. With not many ways of getting them all out to the field, this card covers them for the fact they don't swarm much.
You can call this a for them. Throwing down anywhere from 1 to 5 monsters is super aggressive.
Allowing you to get that extra monster out for a Queen Madolche play. Or summoning a beast Madolche and getting multiple Messenger searches, maybe looking for that Ticket and Chateau you need? To even just summoning your hand so you can go for a large swing.
Few tricks you can do with this care are:
Summoning Magileine, adding a card to hand, then special that card and any other you want.
Using tickets effect in the same way mention above.
Playing it as a Defense trap, using during your opponents turn to wall them from hitting you (caution: as you will lose monsters this way)
Bouncing a monster for your little Puppy and then bringing it straight back into the game!
Now this card sadly has a draw back. During the end phase it is used: all the Madolches summoned by its effect will go back to your deck. Partys cannot last forever.
Now this drawback does trigger Tickets effect. Meaning you can gain 1 monster back, but sadly Chateau doesn't help here. As Chateau only adds card back to your hand if they are returned from your grave to the deck.
(Any Madolche sent to the graveyard that were summoned by this effect won't bounce back during the end phase)
Now how do we get round this draw back? Well whilst all your guests are partying how about making them into a few XYZ summons? If they become material they will be sticking around a lot longer well after the party ends!
This card is powerful but if only played right. Be careful of backrows as well. A Bottomless Trap Hole will hit all 1500+ Madolche as they are summoned at the same time, so chose the perfect time to play this or your party may not have any guests that can attend. Not to mention Torrential Tribute will hurt too, but if you have Chateau out at least all your party attends will just go back to your hand.
I suggest running 0-1, 2 is the max I would suggest.
Next we will be looking at our party invite. Till then,
Spectral Joker signing out.
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