Saturday, 17 November 2012

Madolche Card Review - Madolche Queen Tiaramisu

Well we are finally here. We have cover all the support and all the members of the Madolche family. Now we only have the Queen of the Madolche monsters left. The wait is worth it, this Queen put the Boss in Boss Monster. Please bow for the Queen - Madolche Queen Tiaramisu

Madolche Queen Tiaramisu
Types Fairy/Xyz/Effect
Rank ****
ATK/DEF 2200/2100
Materials 2 Level 4 "Madolche" Monsters

Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target up to 2 "Madolche" cards in your Graveyard; shuffle those cards into the Deck, then shuffle cards your opponent controls into the Deck, up to the number of cards returned.

Right stats first!

She needs two Madolche level 4 monster to be summoned. Sadly in a pure build this can take 2 turns to bring her out, but I will be looking at ways to bring her out in one turn in later posts.

Standing at 2200 ATK, she isn't the biggest rank 4 monster out there. When she's at home in the Chateau she does become 2700ATK. Impressive now isn't she? Her ATK rivals that of Gorz and Grapha (Without Gates of the Dark World up), she also over looks Gear Gigant X, Light Pulsar, Abyssmegalo and even Machina Fortress.

She also a Fairy-Type. Meaning you special summon anything added by Madolche Ticket, plus her effect can trigger ticket as well.

Now lets talk about her effect. Just by detaching one Material from her and targeting two Madolche card(s) (she can target Madolche Spell and Traps as well as Madolche Monster(s)) you return those targets to your deck and then you can return, up to the same amount of cards you return, cards your opponent controls to their deck! Meaning she nets a nice +2 with her effect. With putting stuff back in their deck; your opponent cannot easily use those cards again.

Now shall we increase the plus she can give you? Yes I said increase.

If you have Chateau activate and you select 1 or 2 monster in the graveyard those monsters will be added to your hand instead of the deck! So by selecting two monsters in your grave she can net you a maximum of a +4. She is amazing.

Now a ruling tip, even if you return the monster to your hand you still can shuffle cards back on your opponents field because she doesn't care if your targets go back to the deck as she is worded "up to the number of cards returned." We'll putting them back in your hand is still returning!

Now a second ruling. Her effect doesn't target cards on your opponents field. The only targeting she does is selecting stuff in your graveyard to shuffle back. Meaning you target the cards you want to shuffle back and now your opponent must chain their Veilers, Fiendish Chains etc Otherwise if they ask targets or let you pick what to shuffle back it's too late. Meaning you can hit whatever they leave on the field without having the worry of them chaining.

Also fun fact she won't trigger Machina Fortress effect (Her effect doesnt target; apart from what she selects in your graveyard) and you don't even have to select anything. If you want Monsters back your hand then you can just use her effect still!

Now for a negative ruling. You must have at least one target in graveyard to use her effect. You cannot detach a material if no Madolche card(s) exist in your graveyard, but if you have one target already in your graveyard you can target the material you detached as one of the targets for her effect!

If she is sent to the graveyard you can use a second copy of herself to shuffle the first one, in your graveyard, back to the extra deck! Also Chateau will put her back into the extra when you activate it!

But if she is the only card returned by either of those effects it will not activate ticket. Ticket needs the monster to end up in either your hand or main deck. So remember that!

And with that I will bring this post to a close. Thank you very much for reading and especially if you read all of the Madolche Card reviews.

Cosmic Blazer doesn't look to have any new Madolche Cards, but we have yet to see TCG exclusives. So there is still hope yet.

What will I do now? I shall post my deck list for my current build. I will also post other deck lists for different ways to play Madolche and will cover any other ruling / tricks I have missed.

Till then, Spectral Joker
Signing off.

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