Friday 23 November 2012

How To YuGiOh: Mermail Edition! Getting to know the Undine Engine!

How To YuGiOh: Mermail Edition!
Getting to know the cards!

This weekend will be posts covering how to deal with the Mermail decks that are appearing now since the release of Abyss Rising.

These guys pack a punch from the deep and not knowing how they work / how to counter them doesn't help you beat them!

The Deck
Mermail decks are made up from several engines
• Atlantean
• Deepsea Diva
• Genex Undine
• Of course, Mermail ( D'uh )

First lets see the cards in the Atlanteans / Undine Engine and get to know them first.

Atlanteans Dragoon -
The searcher for the deck. Adds 1 Sea-Serpent from the Deck to the Hand when used for a cost of a Water Monster. ( All Atleanteans trigger like this )

The Main Search targets:
• Abyss Megalo
• Deep Sea Diva
• Moulinglace

Whilst its on the field it lets the other level 3 or Lower Atlanteans attack directly, usually combo'd with Atlantean Marksman.

Atlantean Marksman
Destroys 1 Face down card when used for the cost of a Water Monster.
Whilst on the field, it can Special summon another Atlantean from deck when it deals damage.

Atlantean Heavy Infantry
Destroys 1 Face up card when used for the cost of a Water Monster.
Whilst its on the field, it allows for an additional normal summon for Sea Serpent. Combos with Deep Sea Diva. It can be a easy out with Diva.

The Genex

Genex Undine
When Normal Summon, it sends a water monster from the deck to the Graveyard to add Genex Controller Dom the deck to the Hand.

Sending the Water Monster is a cost. So Undine will trigger the Atlanteans it sends.

Genex Controller
Vanilla level 3 Tuner.
Does nothing in the deck other than being there for Undine's effect. Players also use it as an Allure of Darkness Target.

A copy of this must be in the deck for Undine's effect to work. No copies: then Undine can't work.

Next up with be getting to know the Mermails! Stay Tuned.

Spectral Joker.

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