Monday 29 October 2012

Hunder Family Card Review - Pahunder

Today we are going to be looking at the family of Thunder,
support for them and my opinions on them.

I will start by saying that these guys are rather amazing with
the support you can use for them and if your deck is built
right then you can do some amazing plays with them.

Let's start with the Father of the family:

LV4 LIGHT Thunder/Effect
Once per turn: You can Normal Summon 1 Level 4 LIGHT Thunder-Type Monster from your hand in Attack position, except “Pahunder”.

The effect may seem a bit lack luster, but trust me when these guys work as a family: a lot of summons can happen in a turn.
You can't use the effect for any Pahunders, but worry not. As the next card helps us summon more copies of Pa.

This guy is searchable via Thunder Seahorse and can be added back with Recycling Batteries. Hes small enough to dodge bottomless
trap hole. His effect allows for instant rank 4 plays.

(Run 3.)

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