Saturday 2 February 2013

WCQ Report - Cockfosters London

So today I went up to London to take part in the Cockfosters WCQ. It was an enjoyable day: good people to be around, good event and good results.

So first thing; my score. I went 6-1 by the end of the day, only losing my last round of the day.

There wasn't any top cut, so at the end of 7 rounds is swiss I was placed 2nd!
Not bad at all in my eyes. Winning my a Fire Fist WCQ mat, a WCQ Deckbox plus three additional boosters. So not bad at all.

So what deck did I play?

Well none other than Prophecy! With Wind-ups, Macro Rabbit and even the new Fire Fists running about I still believed in this deck. My faith was in a good place.

Sadly I can't remember much of what happened in the games, but I do remember the match ups.

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3
Chain Burn

Round 4
Chaos Dragons

Round 5

Round 6
Macro Rabbit

Round 7
Fire Fists

So as you can I play nearly everything in the meta and the top rogue decks. Very good day of testing for me as well, as I made several changes to my build last night.

Now I guess the real thing you want from this post is my deck list, well you can have it:

Monster 15

3 High Priestess of Prophecy
3 Spellbook Magician of Prophecy
2 Temperance of Prophecy
1 Justice of Prophecy
2 Apprentice Magician
2 Effect Veiler
2 Tragodia

Spells 25

1 Dark Hole
1 Heavy Storm
1 Monster Reborn

3 The Grand Spellbook Tower
3 Spellbook of Secrets
2 Spellbook of the Master
2 Spellbook of Power
2 Spellbook of Life
2 Spellbook of Wisdom
2 Spellbook of Fate
2 Spellbook of Eternity
2 Spellbook Starhall
2 Spellbook Library of the Crescent
Extra 15

1 Number 11: Big Eye
1 Shining Elf
1 Daigusto Phoenix
1 Tempest Magician
1 Scrap Dragon

1 Gachi Gachi Gangsetu
1 Armory Arm
1 T.G. Hyper Liberian
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
1 Arcanite Magician
1 Black Rose Dragon

1 Levair the Sea Dragon
1 Wind-Up Zenmaines

1 Maekstroke

The top 5 cards in my extra were the most played by far. I will talk tricks and tips in a future post. For now I'm going to relax. Peace out.


Sunday 27 January 2013

Prophecy Divine Judgment of the Spellbooks Combo

So... This card may be a bit broken...

If you open any of these two;
Judgment, Secrets or Magician, then:

Play Judgement or Normal Summon Magician > Search Judgment, Play Judgment.

Play Secrets > Search Magician (If not normal summoned; then summon him search Master) OR Search Master (If you have normal summon)

Play Master, Copy Secrets > Search Tower.
Play Tower.

Set hand down to 1 card.

3 S/T backrow

Hand Size: 1

End Phase:
Search three spellbooks, Special Summon Justice. Justice effect; search one Spellbook and High Priestess.

Hand size: 6 (4 searched spellbooks in hand and one high priestess, plus random card in hand)

Now if they heavy storm you for a +3; Tower will then search for a lvl 5 or lower; and plus one lvl for each set S/T you set that was a Spellbook. So potentially you can SS a High Priestess off of the storm.

And if you searched Life last turn then she will be back next turn with another coming from your hand.

Thursday 27 December 2012

Prophecy Decklist

Here is what I used at the YCS, the build has gone under some changes and with the next pack it will change more.

So my YCS build was:

2 Apprentice Magician
3 Charioteer of Prophecy
1 Effect Veiler
2 High Priestess of Prophecy
3 Spellbook Magician of Prophecy
2 Strength of Prophecy

1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Heavy storm
3 Spellbook Library of the Crescent
3 Spellbook Star hall
3 Spellbook of Eternity
3 Spellbook of Fate
1 Spellbook of Life
2 Spellbook of power
3 Spellbook of Secrets
2 Spellbook of Wisdom
3 The Grand Spellbook Tower

1 Treacherous Trap Hole

The extra deck wasn't too important really.

1 Daigusto Phoneix
1 Gachi Gachi
1 Shining Elf
1 Abyss Dweller
1 Maekstroke Djinn
1 Photon Pap
1 Arcanite Magician
1 Tempest Magician
1 Catastor
1 Gaia Knight
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Hierophant of Prophecy
1 Shockmaster
1 Gagaga Cowboy

In the next post will cover post Cosmo blazer Prophecy!

YCS Barcelona: The Prophecy

Hello Guys and Girls!

I hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas.

In today's blog post I will be talking about the deck I used at YCS Barcelona. Which is none other than Prophecy.

In the end I went 5-2 on day 1. Losing only round 6 due to vying stalled in between game 1 and game 2. Then losing round 7 due to being a bit on tilt and a Rabbit player opening the nuts game one and three.

Despite that I was 63rd by the end of day one and I had an enjoyable weekend.

So what I will be posting is the deck list, what each card can be used for and a how to play segment.

So look forward to these posts!

Thursday 29 November 2012

YCS Barcelona - Day 0

After arriving at the airport for midnight of Thursday night I met up with a few friends.

Had several test play matches and won all of them. Played against Wind-Ups OXO, Dark Worlds OO, Vayu Turbo OO. Learnt some new tricks from these games which is very nice.

After waiting for 4:50am to roll round checked in and bumped into some more peeps I know. Now waiting to board the plane and get this weekend started!


Sunday 25 November 2012

How To YuGiOh: Mermail Edition! Getting to know the Mermail Engine!

How To YuGiOh: Mermail Edition!
Next up we will get to know the Mermail engine.

The Mermails Engine

Mermail Abyssmegalo
The Boss monster of the deck.
Special summons itself from the hand by discarding 2 water monster. This cost triggers Atlanteans.
On summon it searches for an Abyss Spell/Trap and can attack twice by tributing a face up water monster you control.

Standard search target is Abyssphere, also the tribute for the double attack triggers Atlantean as well.

Continuous trap card. When activated it summons any Mermail from the deck. During their opponents next end phase the target is destroyed. They cannot use spells the turn they use it. They normally activate it during their opponents end phase for an instant search, combos with Abysslinde.

Mermail Abysslinde
The recruiter of the deck. When it is destroyed, it summons any mermail from the deck. Normal target summon from her effect is Mermail Abyssmegalo.

Mermail Abysspike
The Stratos of the deck. Discards one card from hand, when it is summoned, then searches for any Lv 3 Water from the deck.

Standard targets:

• Marksman
• Undine

Friday 23 November 2012

How To YuGiOh: Mermail Edition! Getting to know the Undine Engine!

How To YuGiOh: Mermail Edition!
Getting to know the cards!

This weekend will be posts covering how to deal with the Mermail decks that are appearing now since the release of Abyss Rising.

These guys pack a punch from the deep and not knowing how they work / how to counter them doesn't help you beat them!

The Deck
Mermail decks are made up from several engines
• Atlantean
• Deepsea Diva
• Genex Undine
• Of course, Mermail ( D'uh )

First lets see the cards in the Atlanteans / Undine Engine and get to know them first.

Atlanteans Dragoon -
The searcher for the deck. Adds 1 Sea-Serpent from the Deck to the Hand when used for a cost of a Water Monster. ( All Atleanteans trigger like this )

The Main Search targets:
• Abyss Megalo
• Deep Sea Diva
• Moulinglace

Whilst its on the field it lets the other level 3 or Lower Atlanteans attack directly, usually combo'd with Atlantean Marksman.

Atlantean Marksman
Destroys 1 Face down card when used for the cost of a Water Monster.
Whilst on the field, it can Special summon another Atlantean from deck when it deals damage.

Atlantean Heavy Infantry
Destroys 1 Face up card when used for the cost of a Water Monster.
Whilst its on the field, it allows for an additional normal summon for Sea Serpent. Combos with Deep Sea Diva. It can be a easy out with Diva.

The Genex

Genex Undine
When Normal Summon, it sends a water monster from the deck to the Graveyard to add Genex Controller Dom the deck to the Hand.

Sending the Water Monster is a cost. So Undine will trigger the Atlanteans it sends.

Genex Controller
Vanilla level 3 Tuner.
Does nothing in the deck other than being there for Undine's effect. Players also use it as an Allure of Darkness Target.

A copy of this must be in the deck for Undine's effect to work. No copies: then Undine can't work.

Next up with be getting to know the Mermails! Stay Tuned.

Spectral Joker.