Sunday 27 January 2013

Prophecy Divine Judgment of the Spellbooks Combo

So... This card may be a bit broken...

If you open any of these two;
Judgment, Secrets or Magician, then:

Play Judgement or Normal Summon Magician > Search Judgment, Play Judgment.

Play Secrets > Search Magician (If not normal summoned; then summon him search Master) OR Search Master (If you have normal summon)

Play Master, Copy Secrets > Search Tower.
Play Tower.

Set hand down to 1 card.

3 S/T backrow

Hand Size: 1

End Phase:
Search three spellbooks, Special Summon Justice. Justice effect; search one Spellbook and High Priestess.

Hand size: 6 (4 searched spellbooks in hand and one high priestess, plus random card in hand)

Now if they heavy storm you for a +3; Tower will then search for a lvl 5 or lower; and plus one lvl for each set S/T you set that was a Spellbook. So potentially you can SS a High Priestess off of the storm.

And if you searched Life last turn then she will be back next turn with another coming from your hand.